Dateline Movies Goes to Repertory's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

No one is too old for fairy tales. That was what I was thinking on my way to watch Repertory's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs with my family. I have had the opportunity to watch similar shows staged by Repertory Philippines- Cinderella and Mulan, to be specific as part of the itinerary during my grade school field trips. Now that I am older and have discovered that I derive much joy in watching different kinds of entertainment, I watch every show, no matter the genre, with the same level of appreciation for the work that went into producing it.

In the old-time tradition of theatre shows, the play started on time. The audience was comprised of families like us who just wanted to have a good time in watching a quality play and young school children with their teachers, who were on their field trip. I don't know if it was because it was the first day of showing that food was made available at the lobby but it sure lent a very festive mood to the affair.

The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is very popular among young children, whether boy or girl. This was true many generations ago and is still is today. This is probably due to the life lessons that it continues to teach through its entertaining story and presentation. 

Some of these are:

1. It's wonderful to have friends.

2. You can appeal to the goodness in everyone.

3. Insecurities do not justify being mean.

4. Don't talk to strangers and don't let them in your house.

5. Real beauty comes from within.

Easily the scene-stealer for the show is the Evil Queen convincingly played by Bituin Escalante for the particular day I watched. Come to think of it, every role from the smallest to the biggest, was performed in perfect character. I can only wonder how they can switch from speaking to singing to dancing with so much ease. Making it look so easy when in fact there is much hard work must be the mark of a good performer.

One thing I've always liked with Repertory shows specifically those intended for the young audience is the opportunity for audience participation. At least two girls were invited to yodel along with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Some chasing scenes extended to where the audience was seated and that proved very exciting for the children. 

Everyone was excited to meet the cast after the show. Some lucky ones had their souvenir programs autographed by their favorite character. Others had their pictures taken with the cast. It was truly a feel-good show and we went home very happy.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is directed by Joy Virata. It will be staged from August 15 to December 10, 2015 at the Onstage Theater in Greenbelt 1, Makati City. Ticket prices range from P400 to P600. For more details on the play, call the Repertory Philippines at 843-3570 and book tickets through TicketWorld at 891-9999 or visit their website at


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