
Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Choice for the Top Ten Emerging Influential Blogs for 2014

As a newbie in the blogging world, I am very excited to learn everything that has to do with it. I know that there is so much information out there just waiting to be discovered. One way of doing this is to find blogs that can be potential sources of positive influence.

It is with this thought that I present to you my choices for the Top Ten Emerging Influential Blogs for 2014:

1. Fervil SEO Blog

Obviously, SEO is something I need to understand if I am to improve in blogging. This blog provides relevant information about it.

2. Nutri Facts in the Packs

Believe it or not, I am interested in knowing what goes into every product offered in the market. In fact, I read them myself.

3. Eats Now or Never

I find this blog very interesting. It has a different way of presenting a topic to its readers which is very engaging.

4. Quite Simple Bits

What got my attention here are the articles on sustainable lifestyle and simple living. As a member of an environment organization in our school, I could certainly use information I find here.

5. Freelance Blend

Although I do not expect to be able to do blogging on a full-time basis, being a high school student who has so much school load to attend to, the articles I read in this blog give me a glimpse of future possibilities.

6. Adventurous Outdoors (Jefrox)

Being outdoors is something I need to work on more. This blog offers interesting and easy-to-read articles about spending time outdoors.

7. Knowing Ropes

Young as I am and a boy at that, my friends often tell me that I think too deeply and complicatedly sometimes. May be that is why I also enjoy reading articles that reach to the heart such as those found in this blog.

8. The Daily Pedia

If you know me, you would know that I love reading anything informative on just about any topic in this world. This blog provides light and entertaining reading.

9. Mommy Bloggers Philippines

My blogger mom gets a lot of event and learning opportunities from this community blog. In fact, I also benefited from one when I accompanied her to a concert and I'm looking forward to many more like opportunities.

10. Dateline Movies

And now we come to my own blog - Dateline Movies. My joys are simple and watching movies is one of them. I am hoping that my enthusiasm is evident in my blog, enough to make people want to read and stay a while.

So if you're reading this now, then you are in my blog.

I expect to find more interesting blogs as I go along so making a list like this would probably be a yearly thing for me. 

The Emerging Influential Blogs 2014 Writing Project has been brought to us by:

Digital Influencers Marketing Summit
Certified Blog and Social Media Entrepreneur Program
Philippine Internet History #phnet20 Project
Digital Creators Boot Camp
Infinity Hub Web Development Services

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dateline Movie Event: TMNT

Seeing a good movie in the big screen is such an enjoyable experience. Having a good snack to accompany our movie-watching will certainly double the fun. This is what my mother and my younger sister experienced last August 22, 2014.  They were very thrilled and excited because they were invited to the block screening of the latest movie offering by Michael Bay, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, held at Cinema 7 of the Greenhills Cinema Complex in San Juan. The event was sponsored by Krispy Kreme, in line with their newest offering of delicious doughnuts inspired by the blockbuster movie TMNT. It is only available at a limited time.  The faces of the four Ninja Turtles namely Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello were molded into delicious shell doughnuts dipped in green apple flavored white chocolate.

This is my sister who looks very excited about the event (or was it the doughnut)!

My mother brought home some TMNT doughnuts for me and my father and COWABUNGA, they surely taste great.  I was able to eat four different TMNT doughnuts in one sitting!  Thanks Krispy Kreme and director Michael Bay for bringing the Turtles back to the big screen.  Movie events are really something to look forward to.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What is a Movie Rating?

In 1968, the Motion Picture Association of America or MPAA under the term of Chairman Jack Valenti established the parent-focused Motion Picture Rating System replacing the older censorship rating system known as the Hays Code in order to guide the movie going public in determining which movies are appropriate to watch by certain audiences. Through this information, advice and guidance are given to the people providing them an idea or glimpse of what they expect to see in the movie. The Classification and Ratings Administration (CARA) is responsible in assigning the rating system.

The Rating Board

The Rating Board is composed of a Chairperson who heads the board that assigns a group of Raters and Senior Raters.  Senior Raters are selected by the Chairperson from among the Raters. Each member of the Rating Board must be a parent and one who is not connected or affiliated with any film or entertainment industry what-so-ever.  Both the Chairperson as well as the Senior Raters can have children of any age while Raters must have children between the ages of 5 to 17 at the time of their appointment and must leave the Board when their children reach the age of 21. The identity of both the Chairperson as well as the Senior Raters are made known to the public while the identities of the Raters are kept private.  The Rating Board take into consideration factors such as the sensitivity of the content to the movies like sex, violence, language and drug use to designate the rating for a movie. 


Understanding the Rating System

1. G Rating - For General Audiences,  All Ages Admitted

Movies under the G Rating has no scenes of nudity, drug-use or sex scenes. Absolutely nothing.  Scenes of violence are very minimal.  Though some use of language might go beyond the intensity of what is considered polite, they are taken into consideration as everyday language expressions.

2. PG - Parental Guidance Suggested - Some Materials May Not be Appropriate For Younger Audience

With a PG Rating, there are still no appearance of any drug use.  Although there might be some scenes of violence or brief nudity, they are not considered as intense and parental guidance to the younger audience is just advised.

3.  PG - 13 - Parents are Strongly Cautioned - Some Materials Might Be Inappropriate to Children Below 13 Years of Age

A movie with a rating of PG-13 by the Rating Board connotes a stronger message to parents that said movie might not be suitable for their children. Movies that show any drug-related use, scenes with brief nudity, scenes of violence, continual use of sexually-derived words, all would generally require a rating of PG-13.

4.   R - Restricted - Children Under 17 Requires Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian

The Rating Board require parents to take caution with movies under this rating for they contain scenes of adult themes and activity, nudity, continuous violence, drug-use, as well as the use of foul and hard language. Children whose age is under 17 years old cannot enter the premise unless accompanied by an adult or guardian. Generally, the Rating Board advises parents not to bring with them their children to movies with an R-Rating.

5.  NC - 17 - No One Aged 17 and Under is Admitted

Although movies with an NC-17 rating does not necessarily mean obscene or pornographic in nature, the Rating Board simply states that such movies is deemed fit only for adult audiences and not for children viewing.  The theme of movies with an NC-17 rating simply suggest that the film is based primarily on violence, use of drugs or other related elements and substances, sex, unusual or odd behavior, or related themes, that most parents would deem unfit for viewing by their children. In its simplest term, movies are definitely not for children viewing, only for adults.

Rating A Film


Ratings of films give the movie-going public an idea of what the film has to offer to its audience.  It gives them a better understanding of the content of the film.  It gives people guidance as to whether a film is worth seeing with their children or not.  Film ratings does not determine if a movie is good or bad or if it will perform well in the box office.  That is the work of film critics and the general audience.  Movie ratings gives parents advance guidance as to what is the content or the theme of the film is. Although some movies are not rated,  most movies are and most film makers and every member of the Motion Picture Association of America of the MPAA submit their movies for rating.  

Before considering of taking the children to the movies, it is best for parents to look very well into the ratings given by the Rating Board that is accompanied in all the posters, trailers, billboards and other movie paraphernalia.  Movies are meant to give pleasure and enjoyment, a nice family bonding moment. It is well to use them wisely and use them with care.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Parental Guidance for Children Under 13 Years (For Intense Violence)
Running Time: 101 minutes (1 hour and 41 minutes)

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction
  • Superhero
  • Adaptation
  • Fantasy
  • Ninja
Released on August 8, 2014 (US Release Date, Available for Worldwide Viewing)

Presented by Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies

Director: Jonathan Liebesman

Writers: Evan Daugherty, Josh Applebaum, and Andre Nemec

Starring: Megan Fox, William Fichtner, Tony Shalhoub, Will Arnett, Whoopi Goldberg, Tohoru Masumune, Johnny Knoxville, Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Plosznek, Alan Ritchson, and Danny Woodburn

New York's favorite turtles return with a new adventure in this high octane reboot to all previous films after a few years since TMNT. Welcome once again to Dateline Movies. Man, it's been a long time since the last movie review made here. Anyway, with the latest chapter to the TMNT's crime fighting career finally showing, we might want to check this first before we buy ourselves a ticket or more. This marks our second TMNT related review!

What is the movie about?

Manhattan is  a city of endless possibilities, a growing metropolis fueled by hope, justice and science. However, a shadowy figure known as the fearsome Shredder, played by Masumune (Inception) has been slowly bringing the entire city to its knees with an army of his own called the Foot Clan. With the growing situation at hand, April O' Neal, played by Fox (Transformers), a Channel 6 reporter and her cameraman Vernon Fenwick, played by Arnett (Monster VS. Aliens) have been investigating the Foot Clan's shady dealings connected to April's long gone father's research.

While investigating a Foot Clan activity, April stumbles upon a group of vigilantes and after failing to convince her boss, Bernadette Thompson, played by Goldberg (Sister Act) that they are real, she gets fired from her job. The vigilantes, who later turn out to be a group of mutated turtles have found April and they have taken her to their lair for safety.  There she meets the team, which comprises of Leonardo, played by Plosznek (Parks and Recreation) and voiced by Knoxville (Jackass), Raphael, played by Ritchson (The Hunger Games: Catching Fire), Donatello, played by Howard (How the Grinch Stole Christmas), Michelangelo, played by Fisher (Battle Los Angeles) and their master, Splinter, played by Woodburn and voiced by Shalhoub (Spy Kids).

Together, they have to face the Shredder before he takes New York City down with his iron fist. With help from an unlikely friend from the past named Eric Sacks, played by Fichtner (Armageddon), the Turtles, with April, Vernon and Splinter have to fight before it's too late. But secrets and lies are revealed: What is Project Renaissance and is Eric what he seems? It's all here in this jam-packed epic.

What I think of the movie?

It's everything that you would expect from a Michael Bay produced movie. It has spectacular special effects and energetic cinematography. However, there are things that are added to this certain Michael Bay movie. The story is quite interesting as we see the Turtles in a slightly darker tone than before and in addition, the story features some explanation that have been sorely lacking in previous TMNT installments. Admittedly though, there are some details in the story line that you need to accept as a child would. You will need to tap into your inner childhood to avoid questioning just about every detail in the story. Failing to do that will simply destroy the fun of watching.

The Turtles gave impressive performances from motion-capture actors and voice actors alike. Their physical look needs a little getting-used-to as I cannot make up my mind if they are realistically scary or too scary just to children. As in most Michael Bay movies, there is a tendency towards overabundance of effects, which can be distracting at times.

The other performers gave decent performances although I couldn't help wishing for more facial expression from Megan Fox. I was kind of surprised seeing her in this movie especially with the much publicized falling out with Michael Bay after the release of Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen. 

The plot though predictable can be forgiven since we should all know by now what to expect from a TMNT movie: a bad guy wanting to rule and opposed by protagonists previously hidden somewhere. If you have problems with this from the start, then you better watch another movie. Besides, that is essentially how most successful movie plots are formed. 

It might be overall noisy, predictable or quite corny for some people, but all negative comments aside, I still find it an amazing film, full of action, excitement and humorous performances. I watched this movie to get entertained and got that. 

With that, I hope you have enjoyed this review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 here on Dateline Movies. Be sure to Like, Tweet or Share before you leave. Do you have a movie you wish to be featured or a list topic you want to talk about? Comment below, and I might just use your suggestion. Thanks again!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dateline Movie Spotlight: Robin Williams

Born in the State of Illinois in the City of Chicago on July 21, 1951, Robin McLaurin Wiliams was the son of a Ford Motor Company Senior Executive named Robert Fitzgerald Williams and former model mother Laura McLaurin. He grew up in an affluent community called Bloomfield Hills in Michigan.  

He studied in a private and secular school called the Detroit Country Day School. His later years as a teenager was spent in Woodacre, in Marin County in California.  He spent his secondary schooling in Redwood High School. Robin would spend a few years of college in Claremont Mckenna College and later leave in 1973 after obtaining full scholarship at the world-renowned music school, Julliard, which is located in New York City. 

His career started in the comedy variety show entitled The Richard Pryor Show in 1977. Unfortunately the show was cancelled after only four episodes.  In 1978, he appeared with the Cunningham family in the widely-received and highly-rated show Happy Days which was created by Garry Marshall. Robin Williams would appear in Season Five as an alien from the planet Ork named Mork in February 1978, and can be seen in two special episodes entitled My Favorite Orkan.  

The widely positive public reception to Williams appearance in these two episodes resulted to the spin-off to the hit television series Mork and Mindy together with Pam Dawber which would run from 1978 to 1982. 

His first film was a re-released comedy entitled Can I Do It 'Till I Need Glasses? directed by I. Robert Levy in 1980.  The movie entitled Good Morning Vietnam in 1987 earned for him a nomination in the Academy Awards. All-in-all Robin Williams made dozens of films during his lifetime, starred in many television series and specials, appeared in many magazine covers, voiced-over many popular cartoon movies most notably of which is in Happy Feet as Lovelace and as the Genie in Disney's Aladdin, has written television documentaries and specials, has done charitable works, and supported foundations and charitable institutions to the extent of even founding one called the Windfall Foundation.   


He has been nominated thrice as Best Actor in a Leading Role in the Academy Awards and won one Oscar as Best Actor in a Supporting Role in the drama movie Good Will Hunting in 1997 which featured Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and directed by Gus Van Sant.  (Matt Damon and Ben Affleck also won the Best Original Screenplay for this movie)

His last television series is The Crazy Ones under CBS which premiered last October 2013 but was cancelled with only one season of airtime.

He has been married thrice.  His first wife was Valerie Velardi and they were married on June 4, 1978.  Their marriage brought about Williams' first son named Zachary Pym "Zak" Williams who was born on April 11, 1983.  They divorced in 1988.

Robin's second marriage was with Filipina-American Marsha Garces and they were married on April 30, 1989.  They have two children, Zelda Rae Williams who was born on July 31, 1989 and Cody Alan Williams  who was born on November 25, 1991.  They divorced on March 2008.   On October 23, 2011, Williams married his third wife, graphic designer Susan Schneider.

Robin Williams is such a talented man.  In whatever role he portrayed in films or in the stage, be it a musical, drama, comedy, suspense, you name it, he surely left his mark.  The news of his death is such a shock to all of us. Deep in my heart, I would say that I am sad sad because the world lost such a great talent...,sad because a man who made us laugh, who has touched our lives in one way or the other is no longer with us.  I pray that you find peace Robin Williams.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Return of the King: One of the Best Movies of All Time

The third installment of The Lord of the Rings trilogy that is based upon the book of J.R.R. Tolkien, it started with the Fellowship of the Ring in 2001 and followed by The Two Towers in 2002.  The Return of the King, also directed by Peter Jackson, is the highest grossing film in the year 2003 and holds the record of being the 8th highest-grossing film of all time.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dateline Movie Spotlight: Charlize Theron

With such diverse ancestral background as Dutch, German and French flowing in her veins, Charlize Theron is an actress to reckon with.  She was born in a farm in Benoni, in the outskirts of South Africa on August 7, 1975 and is the only child to parents Gerda and Charles Theron.  

She loves dancing ballet and is very passionate about it, and would have continued to dance but a knee injury ended her aspirations to be one.  In 1991, she won a modeling career when she is in Europe.  When she was 19 years old, she went to the United States and stayed in Los Angeles to try her luck in acting.  She was discovered in a way by John Crosby, when she made a scene while transacting in a bank because the cashier wouldn't encash her check.  

Her first non-speaking role was in the movie Children of the Corn III in 1995. Her first speaking role was in the movie 2 Days in the Valley in 1996.

After that, bigger roles and widely released Hollywood movies came.  Her career started to blossom in the late 1990s with movies like The Devil's Advocate opposite Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino in 1997, the Disney movie Mighty Joe Young in 1998 with Bill Paxton and directed by Ron Underwood and the Cider House Rules opposite Tobey Maguire and Michael Caine in 1999.  

Her most important movie was the crime-drama suspense thriller entitled The Monster in 2003 which was directed by Patty Jenkins and also stars Christina Ricci.  Her role as Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute serial killer won for her an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role at the 76th Academy Awards night in 2004.  She also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress as well as the Screen Actors Guild Awards for Outstanding Lead Actress.

She would again receive nominations for Best Actress at the Academy Awards and the Golden Globe for her role as Josey Aimes in the drama movie North Country in 2005 which was directed by Niki Caro.

In 2009, she was cast to do the sequel of the Mad Max franchise which was first shown in 1979 and starred Mel Gibson and directed by George Miller.  The sequel will be entitled, Mad Max: Fury Road which is expected to be released on May 2015 with Tom Hardy as Mad Max and to be directed again by George Miller.

All-in-all she made dozens of movies since her movie career started in 1995. She made several TV specials, hosted and appeared twice in the Saturday Night Live show, became a judge in a popular cooking show The Master Chef, made several episodes in popular TV series, became a presenter in the FIFA World Cup in 2010, appeared in the music video Crossfire by Brandon Richard Flowers in 2010, became a UN Messenger of Peace, helped numerous charities and even established her own charity program called the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project, appeared in countless magazine covers,  voiced two cartoon movies, received numerous citations and praises for her acting, became a product endorser, had been a supporter of animal and human rights organizations, voted, ranked and named as such by numerous polls and award giving bodies.

Charlize Theron has an adopted son with the name of Jackson.  She has a relationship with Irish actor Stuart Townsend but unfortunately it ended in 2010 after almost being together for nine years.  Presently she is now dating the 53 year old actor Sean Penn which started in early 2014. 

Lastly, a music video from the movie Sweet November opposite Keanu Reeves (her second movie with him), sung by Enya entitled Only Time, one of the feature songs in the movie.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dateline Movies Presents the Many Faces of the Chosen One

The Chosen One

Can also be known as "The One". A common cliche in sci-fi and fantasy. This individual, the "Chosen One" is the sole person chosen by destiny to stop an impending disaster that threatens all life, save the world from a super villain, stop corruption, etc. Basically, the only person who can save the day. Not their sidekick(s). Not Mom. Not Dad. Only him.


The topic “chosen one” has been used in movies time and time again. Not only because it is a great topic but it also connotes fast-paced action, enormous battle between good and evil, or the coming of the saviour that will end all hardships, pain, suffering and agony and finally bring peace. 

And now here at Dateline Movies, we present our beloved Chosen Ones:

1.  The Lego Movie


 The Official Trailer


Just recently shown in cinemas this February 2014, The Lego Movie 3D (Lego: The Piece of Resistance) is a family-oriented, computer animation comedy directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller.  With the voice talents of Liam Neeson, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Chris Pratt, Will Farrell (I like him very much in Megamind), Alison Brie, Chris Mackay and of course the very talented Morgan Freeman. 
The Special (Chosen One) Scene


It tells the story of a humble Lego construction worker minifigure named Emmet Brickowski.  Because he has found the Piece of Resistance, he is to be called The Special, which the prophecy states is the most important, most talented, most interesting and most extraordinary person in the universe and according to what has been foretold, will do battle with the evil and sinister Lord Business and save the whole realm of Legoland from chaos.  What all the inhabitants of Legoland had to do was just believe in him. This movie is well received that a sequel is already in the making and set to be shown by 2017. 

2.  The Matrix

The Official Trailer


The first series of the Matrix Trilogy was released in 1999 and has been a household name ever since.  Directed by the Wachowski Brothers, Andy and Larry (now Lana, after an operation and I need another blog post to explain that later) and produced by Joel Silver.  It stars Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Ann Moss, Lawrence Fishburne, Joe Pantoliano, and Hugo Weaving, among others.

The One Scene

It is a science-fiction movie, definitely full of action and very thrilling from beginning to the end.   It tells of a future wherein civilization is reduced to almost nothingness, wherein what we are seeing are just dreams programmed by a computer.  Humans are being used as power generators by these computers and machines.  Those who woke up from these dreams banded themselves together to form the last remaining human civilization living underneath the Earth called Zion.  The last hope for humanity is a prophecy wherein a Chosen One will rise up against these machines and liberate them from this dreadful state.

3.  Kung Fu Panda

The first of the Kung Fu Panda installment was released in 2008 which features the voices of Jack Black as Po, Angelina Jolie as Tigress, Jackie Chan as Monkey, Seth Rogen as Mantis, Lucy Liu as Viper, David Cross as Crane and Dustin Hoffman as Master Shifu, the wise sensei.  When the village is threatened by a deceptive and ruthless snow leopard named Tai Lung, voiced by Ian McShane, an awkward and uncoordinated panda becomes the unlikely hero who will be trained by Master Shifu and the Furious Five in order to save the village from utter destruction.

Official Trailer


This animated martial arts animation was produced by Dreamworks and directed by Mark Osborne and John Stevenson would be followed by Kung Fu Panda 2 in 2011 and Kung Fu Panda 3 which will be hopefully released in 2015. 

4.  Star Wars


The film has already six movies in its franchise with another one set to be released in 2015, Star Wars has definitely been a successful movie with a very good storyline.  First shown in 1977, it has spawned many extensive marketing successes from video games, to books, games, feature films and other merchandise.

This trailer is from the first movie of Star Wars way back in 1977.


Set in a galaxy, far, far away, it tells a story about a group of tyrannical, evil Sith Lords, who are bent on crushing and destroying all its enemies and conquering all galaxies.  The only few remnants of resistance is a group of rebels, the Rebel Alliance, hiding in the deepest recesses of space.  The term "The Chosen" who is being spoken about here is Anakin Skywalker, a 9 year old boy found by Qui Con, a Jedi, when he was in Tantooine.  According to a Jedi prophecy, a Chosen One, will bring balance to the Force and end the war and bring back peace throughout the land.  

This second trailer, Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, speaks of the Chosen One, the first time that a Chosen One was spoken of, referring to Anakin Skywalker, who later on would become Darth Vader.  Unlike our other Chosen Ones, the Star Wars supposed to be Chosen One became corrupted by the Dark Force and chose the path of the Dark Sith and became evil.


5.  Kung Pow! Enter the Fist

Kung Pow! Enter the Fist, is an American martial arts action movie released in 2001, and stars Steve Oedekerk (This guy gave us Jimmy Neutron, the Boy Genius - the cartoon series we all love).  Not only did he star in these movies, he also wrote, produced and directed it.  It is not a major film like the rest of our countdown movies, but nonetheless it is very funny, amusing, laughable, humorous and features the Chosen One, his real name in the movie.

Since his childhood, he has been searching for the people responsible for killing his family, the Evil Council.  He traveled from town to town wandering and looking for them, while at the same time practicing and honing his skills in martial arts.  He bore the mark of the Chosen One since his infancy, a tongue with a face of its own and he named it Tonguey.  Using his martial arts powers that he has been training for all his life, he was able to catch and defeat the Evil Council and at the same time bring peace back to the land.

6.  The Golden Child

Shown in December 1986, The Golden Child is directed by Michael Ritchie and stars Eddie Murphy as Chandler Jarrell who works as a private detective-for- hire specializing in finding missing children.

He was given the task to find a Tibetan Golden Child with mystical capabilities, a supposed saviour of mankind that has been abducted by Sardo Numpa (Charles Dance) who in its true form is a devil from hell.

7.  John Carter

Based on the book of Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars, this science-fiction adventure movie from Walt Disney Pictures was released in 2012. Directed by Andrew Stanton and stars Taylor Kitsch in the title role, together with Willem Dafoe, Lynn Collins, Mark Strong, and Dominic West, among others.

After escaping from a military detention cell, John Carter hid in a cave in order to elude his captors.  Inside, he unexpectedly met a being called a Thern.  He accidentally activated a device that transported him to a dry planet called Barsoom (also called Mars).  Due to the difference in gravity from Earth to that of Mars, as well as because of his different physical structure, he was able to leap great distances in a single bound and has gained tremendous physical strength. Barsoom has been in turmoil and war for a thousand years and is already dying.   After battling enormous and vicious creatures, leading its inhabitants to victory, John Carter finally brought peace in the land.

8.  and finally The Chosen One 

Starred, produced and directed by Rob Schneider and released in 2012, The movie The Chosen One is a comedy drama about an alcoholic car salesman named Paul Zadzik who is facing a mid-life crisis and who has failed in almost everything that he does.  His life seems to turn around when a group of secret tribe called the Holy Men who has been searching for that one person that can save mankind from extinction, declared him as the Chosen One, the only one being in this world that can save humanity from destruction.

So ends our countdown of the Chosen One saga.  I know more movies will dwell on the topic of the Chosen One, so more will be added to the list.  How about you, what's your favorite Chosen One movie?