Produced and directed by Oliver Stone and co-written with Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July is a war drama based on the New York Times bestselling novel by Ronald Lawrence Kovic (Ron Kovic), a war veteran who has served two tours of duty in the Vietnam War.
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While on a patrol, he was critically and severely wounded in a firefight resulting to Ron Kovic being paralyzed from the middle of his chest down to his legs, putting him permanently in a wheel chair. Disillusioned and disappointed of what the war has brought him and to his life, he now considers his previous actions as a soldier wrong and became an outspoken anti-war activist and peace advocate and now speaks out against the government in its efforts in Vietnam.
Born on the Fourth of July was a commercial box-office success. It also earns for it a whooping 8 nominations at the 62nd Academy Awards - Best Picture of the Year, Best Actor in a Leading Role (Tom Cruise's first nomination), Best Director, Best Writing, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Mixing, Best Film Editing and Best Original Score. Of the 8 nominations, it won 2 namely - Best Director for Oliver Stone and the other Best Film Editing for David Brenner and Joe Hutshing.
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Born on the Fourth of July is a very engaging war movie. A must see film! The role played by Tom Cruise fits him very well and I couldn't imagine anyone else playing such role.
Remarkable movie saw it in the theater and of course read the book #RonKovic validated war protesting #Conservatives will never understand